2021 Suzhou Design Week

A Pingjiang Renaissance


Suzhou Design Week 2021 centered on the theme of "Suzhou Style Life," aiming to showcase the blend of Suzhou's traditional culture with modern creativity. As the key visual designer, my goal was to express the core theme of "revitalization," symbolizing energy and renewal through vibrant graphics and colors.

The central concept of this key visual is focused on "revitalization." I chose a striking fluorescent green as the primary color to represent vitality and renewal. The graphic design incorporates abstract shapes inspired by Suzhou’s iconic window patterns and river bridges, combined to form a dynamic “苏” character. This symbol resembles a running figure, symbolizing Suzhou’s revival in both culture and creativity.

The design features a modernized interpretation of Suzhou's traditional symbols: window patterns reflect the intricate beauty of Suzhou architecture, while bridge motifs evoke the flowing canals and gardens of the city. These elements were integrated into a cohesive, recognizable emblem that brings a contemporary twist to traditional aesthetics.

Throughout Design Week, the key visual was applied across various settings, including the directional signage in Pingjiang Road, event maps, and street flags. Each application highlights the design’s flexibility and adaptability, providing a unified visual experience across different scenes, adding a vibrant blend of modern and traditional to Suzhou’s streets.

One of the main challenges in the design process was balancing traditional cultural symbols with a modern visual language. Through the abstraction of Suzhou elements, the design conveys symbolic meaning without losing its contemporary appeal. I optimized the proportions of colors and lines to ensure consistency across various mediums, from large-scale backdrops and flags to smaller maps.